PPE 101
The Hierarchy of Controls (as described by the CDC) is a method for assessing the best exposure control methods. The hierarchy of controls has five levels of actions to reduce or remove hazards. The preferred order of action based on general effectiveness is:
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering controls
- Administrative controls
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Although, PPE is lowest, it is an effective method for protecting our community from exposure. Knowing what PPE to use and sourcing it can be difficult, see below for how SEAS and Harvard help.
Each laboratory has a Personal Protective Equipment assessment that is completed by the lab safety officer and the PI. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate that a review of the current processes, materials, and equipment in the lab has been conducted, and is used to determine what PPE should be available in the lab to keep everyone safe. It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure that all required PPE is readily available to researchers and properly used in the laboratory, and that PPE needs are regularly assessed and restocked/replaced when necessary.
EH&S’ PPE policy, as well as other helpful resources can be found here.


Each laboratory has a Personal Protective Equipment assessment that is completed by the lab safety officer and the PI. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate that a review of the current processes, materials, and equipment in the lab has been conducted, and is used to determine what PPE should be available in the lab to keep everyone safe. It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure that all required PPE is readily available to researchers and properly used in the laboratory, and that PPE needs are regularly assessed and restocked/replaced when necessary.
EH&S’ PPE policy, as well as other helpful resources can be found here.
SEAS offers a general stock of laboratory coats available at 9 different locations. Any SEAS or Wyss researcher can pick up a coat whenever one is needed. There is no need to be fitted or to register for the program, although, if you find that your size is not available, or if you would like a different type of lab coat (cuffed, flame retardant), please let us know. Our vendor is on-site every Friday to deliver clean coats, and collect the dirty coats for laundering. Please return dirty coats to the hamper or bag next to the coat rack for weekly laundering, any unused coats in the labs should be returned.
Any questions please call 495-2390 or email Linda Loprete at lloprete@mcb.harvard.edu
Centralized lab coat pick-up and drop-off locations:
- Pierce 29 Oxford St. Room B12
- McKay 9 Oxford St. 2nd 4th and 5th floor
- ESL 58 Oxford St. Room 415/ Mooney Lab
- McKay 9 Oxford St. 5th Floor /Weitz Lab
- NW 52 Oxford St. Suite B176 /Lewis Lab
- SEC 2.200.C2
- SEC 3.103-01/I
- SEC 4.200.C1-02
- SEC 6.400
For individuals who use Class 3B or 4 lasers, a laser pre-assignment eye exam is recommended (but no longer required) prior to laser use.
SEAS Safety Program will cover the costs of this pre-assignment eye exam, per these instructions: http://www.ehs.harvard.edu/programs/radiation-training
Notes for filling out the form:
- Fill out the form with your info and have it signed by your PI or Lab Manager.
- The PI will supply the Laser Permit number.
- Contact Linda Loprete at lloprete@mcb.harvard.edu; she will write in the billing code info and record admin info for the SEAS Safety Program.
- Schedule your appointment at University Health Services Eye Clinic: (617) 495-2056
- Have the clinic fax, mail, or email the completed form, signed by the optometrist to the EH&S Radiation Protection Office at the contact information provided at the bottom of the form
Please contact Maryam Borton for information about the SEAS Prescription Safety Glasses policy.
Permeation and Degradation Resistance Guide for Gloves can be found here.
For help selecting the appropriate glove for your project, please contact Maryam Borton.
Pierce Hall near Pierce G2A: Pressure-relief caps, Emergency Response Guides, various labels and signage. Please let Maryam Borton know if you’ve taken some so we can replenish the stock.
114 Western Ave, in stock, and by request: Other immediate-need PPE or loanable safety equipment, including disposable Tyvek lab coats, different sizes and types of gloves, blast shield, reserve spill equipment supplies.
Please contact Maryam Borton for info.
VWR on campus:
Biology Stockroom, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138
Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm