Controlled Substance Guidance

SEAS Science Operations Controlled Substance Program manages the use of scheduled controlled substances and prescription drugs across the Allston campus, only the Science and Engineering Complex (SEC).  David Hwang, Dean of Science ( holds licenses with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Drug Control Program (MA DPH). All research involving controlled substances and/or prescription drugs is required to comply with the policies and regulations set forth by the DEA and MA DPH.

  • Please contact Michelle Macleod, Director of Science Operations ( to see if you are eligible to be covered as an authorized research group under the SEAS Science Operations Controlled Substance Program.
  • Use of controlled substances cannot commence until all approvals at the local, state, and federal levels are obtained. Before applying to the program, ensure that the lab has an approved IACUC Protocol for all research in which drugs will be administered to animals. Once the application is approved, the laboratory must ensure a wall-mounted, double-keyed steel narcotics cabinet for scheduled controlled substance storage is available and must be inspected before use. A numbered and bound logbook to record drug usage will be provided.
  • Researchers are not authorized to access controlled substances and prescription drugs in the lab until the Controlled Substance Authorized Researcher Training is complete. 
  • After you have completed your IACUC training and been approved on an appropriate protocol, SEAS will follow up with an email concerning your use of controlled substances. You will be prompted to visit the SEAS Science Operations Controlled Substance Program Sharepoint for helpful information including. Access is limited to those with SEC IACUC approval.
    • Harvard’s Authorized Researcher’s Guide for Use of Controlled Substances
    • Controlled Substance Application Form and other required forms
    • Ordering guides and product listings
    • Disposal procedure guidance
    • Training materials
    • Contact information and program announcements

If your research does not meet the requirements of the SEAS Science Operation’s licenses, please consult with Michelle Macleod, Director of Science Operations ( prior to obtaining your own state and federal controlled substance licenses. We will provide guidance on applying for a Massachusetts Controlled Substance Researchers Registration and a DEA Controlled Substance Registration- DEA Form 225.